With the help of a unique, synergistic alliance with Valco Instrument Co., a company with state-of-the-art engineering capabilities and manufacturing tools, Global FIA has achieved these goals. The company sold its first instrument in 1993, a modular SIA instrument brand-named, the FloPro, with 9 panel mounted devices, to Adrian Wade at the University of B.C.
By 1995, business had grown to a point where additional staff members were needed, so Olson took in as partners Graham Marshall and Duane Wolcott. Olson met Marshall at CPAC (Center for Process Analytical Chemistry), founded by the University of Washington as a consortium sponsored by industrial companies to conduct academic R&D in the field of process analyses. Both Olson and Wolcott represented their respective companies, Shell and Dow, at bi-annual meetings at UW. Marshall was a member of the research team at CPAC. It was during these meetings that Olson, Marshall, and Wolcott got to know each other and looking back it is noteworthy that the genesis of Global FIA had its roots in contacts established at CPAC.

Marshall had worked in the field of FIA for a number of years at MinTEK, a national research laboratory for the mining industry in South Africa. He is noted as the co-inventor with Ruzicka of SIA during a year of research as visiting scientist in Ruzicka's lab at the University of Washington. Wolcott had also worked in the field of FIA for process analysis at Dow, and is noted as being an early adopter of FIA there.  Olson, Marshall, and Wolcott combined their experience, skills and know-how for innovating, developing, and marketing new technology. Some years later the company was incorporated in Washington State and Marshall later became President, Olson CEO, Wolcott Chief Technology Officer, and Sharon Marshall CFO. 

Don Olson
Graham Marshall            
Duane Wolcott